This Small Cap 🎓

4 min readJul 17, 2020


This story is jotted down because the writer feel very happy when the moment of her accomplishment has arrived. It is her college graduation day which will be held in July 2020 since she had been studied for approximately 6 years. She remembered clearly that the day in 2013 after she completed high school and rejected to pursue bachelor degree in Vietnam. She decided studying in Vientiane. At the same time, she agreed with her father that she could enroll at NUOL for main major. Besides, studying English would be supportive major. She was really excited in this college because she knew it would definitely develop her English skills. Moreover, she was realized that her role model was former student there, and did very great GPA with receiving “Golden Key” which means “honorable student”. She was encouraged to follow her idol’s path by hunting an A in every classes. It was truly a classroom of change for her. With experience and skills of LAC teachers could sharp her mind and enhance her ability to learn effectively; it was because learning by doing. There were many challenged projects in different classes which were tough, but her classmates and she could take a show and run on with expected grade. One good point was that she also had very nice classmates who always push up each other to study hard. She could not forget to thanks to all teachers there for always came up with challenged, and cool topics in order to pull out students’ potential. It was totally helpful both inside and outside classes.

The effort was paid off!!! Her last term or last class was completed in 2019. Only she knew the graduation ceremony will be long way to wait for. Sometimes, people might think that there is no need for the graduation ceremony, but for student like her just wanted to emphasize this moment of hard working, and the moment of accomplishment. She was happier when she could see her final grade; it was quite satisfying. And she really wanted to tell her role-model that she could do it finally hahah even she could not get “Golden Key”.

The further point that she was/is proud of being a student in this college or this special moment is because she spent long time and really enjoyed studying in every classes in this school. There was one year she went to abroad for exchanged program and dropped out the school. In her mind, she would be sure to come back and would complete this degree. Even though it might extend her time for one more year, she was happy to do so. If you were/are a LAC student, you will know well how many classes you have to get through hahahaha ; No worry! you will be the next survivor ;)

Because of this college, she could bring her to uncomfortable zone to have herself try something new. For instance, volunteer activities, scholarship, etc. With mixing up in the existing opportunity and timing, she could build herself in this her-version. Furthermore, she felt really lucky that she had her parents to sponsor the college fund. Without them, she could not be her today. Thus, of course she’s very appreciated this and 3000 thanks to her parents for everything and every supports;)

To an end, she is writing this words to keep it in mind how she has become and she should always be proud of herself.

The classes were done, but learning should never be the last.

You still have long way to go~ keep learning and doing !

Note*: In this story purpose, she does not have any intention to show off about herself, but she would like to just record the special moment.

Note**: the writer has to force herself to keep writing any possible story in order to practice this skill.

P.S 1: I apologize if there is any inappropriate word.

P.S 2: I am a beginner of writing.

17 07 2020

Written by: Mabelle23




Writing is Sharing, Reading is Finding an inspiration !