ME before You (an Anonymous Man)

4 min readJun 19, 2023


Nice sky from TX (photo, 2017)

At around 6 p.m, the countless groups enjoyed talking out loud at some bar in an unknown city. I do not know why I am standing here and confusingly, I do not even recognize anyone except one female lady. She seems she is a human who drags me to this place. The bar inside is a bit dark, yet some blinking lights could assist you on the way in and out. After a while, I understand that those crowds gather here to watch the annual big match football champion. They are so intense in cheering for the team they give a full heart which you can imagine as you cheer for your own national team. The clock is clicking so fast like it was never broken, and the favorite team wins the crowd’s heart. They end the game beautifully and strategically. The moment they win I also scream very loud and automatically embrace a guy next to me. It is quite weird that I feel I know him well enough to hug and smile at each other like we are the winner. And we share the same happy moment together. After that for 20 mn, people step out of the bar one by one, followed by five. I also have a thought that I should go back home since it is going to be so late.

For a moment I look for a female lady to understand where she is so we can disappear from this place quietly. Without an announcement, an anonymous man who I hug unintentionally during the game, takes my right arm and walks toward the door-out. It is an unexpected reaction that I could not even ask any questions. When we pass the door out, I try to look back inside the bar to see if the female lady is still there. At least I should have asked her to come out with us. I only can think in my head because this scene is as fast as a speed train I have never taken.

On the way out, the street is quite dark and I could not even see the road properly. An unknown man drags me down the long road without any words. I am a bit confused about where he wanted to take me to (?). His strong hand and the way he grabs my right arm make me with a bit of pain. When we reach the four intersections, I finally can release my arm from him, and shout out to him “It’s hurt” and “Where are we going to”? still, no answer from him. I wonder and am angry with myself why I am here with him. For a while, he starts walking forward to the left on his own and without any glance back at me. The road has no light and I can not see what is on the further road he is walking to. I hesitate either go back to see a female lady or follow him to that unfamiliar street. One question in my mind is what road is this taking him to? Is it a nice destination? is this guy decent? what if I go back to a female lady and I get lost? what should I do?

I guess it was about 30 mn passed by, and I decide to follow the same direction as that guy. Then, I see someone far away, but obviously how closer I get is that the same man is sitting in the Took-took and looking at the step I am going toward him. I hear clearly what is out of his mouth after I arrive at the spot where the Took-took parked “Why are you so stupid?”. He continues saying “Why don’t you come after me quicker? I am still in the Took-took waiting for you”. After hearing those words, inside of my heart smiles for no reason. Maybe because I was too afraid to travel by myself and did not know where should be safe to go. Besides, he is the one waiting for me, and at first, I thought he might leave me alone on this journey. However, I respond to him with an angry voice “You should have told me if you are not gonna wait for me so that I would not decide to come with you in the first place”. I continue “It was the same as my feeling”. I expect he would say anything, but he does not as if he is thinking about my words and feeling guilty about what has happened.

We both continue walking alongside each other to the road ahead of us without any conversation. I still do not know what we are heading for, but I feel so relieved to have him beside me. I feel safe and confident that the final destination will be as beautiful as it is in the movie. As we are walking, I feel there is more light on the street we are going to or it is because the sun is about to wake up. Thus, this must be a good sign for us.

P.S 1: I apologize if there is an inappropriate word.

P.S 2: I am a beginner at writing

Written by Mabelle

19 June 2023




Writing is Sharing, Reading is Finding an inspiration !